Providing creative opportunities for
Queensland disabled and neurodivergent artists.

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Against a black background, text reads "Need help with your casting? Contact indelabilityarts for information about casting our actors for your next project."

A photo of the characters of Wilbur and Cecil embracing against a blue background. White text reads, "Every kid with a disability will have something to relate to, every kid who knows a kid with a disability in their class, every kid that's been bullied or is a bully should see it, and every kid who laughs at fart jokes..., so, every kid!"

On a lined notebook page, a drawing of a woman wearing a purple shirt and grey pants is using her wheelie walker. Black text in a neat handwriting font reads, "Betsy and I: Conversations with my Walker. By Alexandra Ellen."

Against a black background, text reads "Need help with your casting? Contact indelabilityarts for information about casting our actors for your next project."